The Bible is "the living and enduring Word of God.
1 Peter 1:23
When the Word of God is shared, something miraculous happens.
As we plant the seeds of God's Word, those seeds come to life; God's Living Word takes root and grows.
" is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it."
Isaiah 55:11
Наша єдина мета — посіяти та виростити насіння в ґрунті Божого вічного Царства.
«...як Господь призначив кожному його завдання. Я посадив зерно, Аполлос поливав його, але Бог дав йому рости. Тому ні той, хто садить, ні той, хто поливає, є нічим, але тільки Бог, який Той, хто садить, і той, хто поливає, мають одну мету, і кожен з них отримає винагороду за своєю працею.
Бо ми є співробітниками в Божій службі; ти Боже поле, Божа будівля».
1 Коринтян 3:5-9
Your financial contributions help plant seeds
in the soil for God's eternal Kingdom.
One-time donations help the HOPE Centre with it’s immediate needs.
The HOPE Centre, in its infancy, has a variety of expenses; One-Time Givers contribute to the success of its on-going development.
Cornerstone Partners are a group of committed supporters who share in the great commission of spreading the Good News together.
Cornerstone Partners commit to a minimum annual donation of $1,000.00
Monthly Giving offers a steady and predictable source of funding, which enables the HOPE Centre to focus on the mission; sharing the Good News.
Their affordable gift every month, adds up to a generous donation each year.
Etransfer to
Cheques payable to Michelle Rogers, 238 Robins Point Rd., VH, ON L0K 2A0 - funds will be transferred to HOPE account.
Cash - Please call 705-543-2937 to make payment arrangements
In Person - Stop by the HOPE Centre at 337 Midland Avenue, Midland
PayPal -
Tax Receipts - Donations over $100.00 will be provided with a year end, tax receipt upon request.
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